Community Events at The Legacy of Saint Michael

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Discover an Engaging Life with Our Community Events

We know the importance of staying active and engaged in one’s community, so we provide our residents with an exciting roster of activities and events every day!

To enrich our residents’ lives, we provide a wide range of on-campus and off-campus events and activities, like bingo, crafting, exercise classes, fall foliage tours, shopping, and sports games.

We listen to what our residents want! If there’s something you want to do that’s not listed in our events, let us know, and we’ll make it happen.

Please check out all our current events and activities. Call us for a tour today!

Why Choose Us

Our community events are created with our residents in mind! We’re continually updating the event rotation to ensure you, our residents, get to experience and enjoy what you’re most passionate about. Learn more about our fitness classes, outings, and games at The Legacy of Saint Michael.

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At The Legacy of Saint Michael, our lifestyle options are designed to give you exactly what you need. No matter the level of care you require, you have the chance to live life your way without sacrificing your security or independence.

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Health and safety are now more important than ever. We’ve enhanced our safety protocols and disinfection procedures to ensure your health and safety are never compromised at The Legacy of Saint Michael.

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Where to Find Us

See All We Have to Offer at The Legacy of Saint Michael Senior Living

Our beautiful Saint Michael location can be found just off the Frankfort Parkway NE on Lange Avenue NE.

Email Us

Executive Director:

Jeremy Meriwether [email protected]

Assistant Executive Director:

Kelly Schmidt [email protected]

Marketing Director:

Lisa Toms            [email protected]

Our Address

4400 Lange Avenue NE
Saint Michael, MN 55376

Contact Us

Phone: 763-497-0171
Fax: 763-497-7120


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